Dust Devil
A small, rapidly rotating column of wind, made visible by the dust, dirt or debris it picks up. It usually occurs in arid or semi-arid areas and is most likely to develop on clear, dry, hot afternoons in response to surface heating.
Air that flows in relation to the earth’s surface, generally horizontally. There are four areas of wind that are measured: direction, speed, character (gusts and squalls), and shifts. Surface winds are measured by wind vanes and anemometers, while upper level winds are detected through pilot balloons or aircraft reports.
Small particles of earth or other matter suspended in the air.
A term used for an extremely dry climate. The degree to which a climate lacks effective, life-promoting moisture. It is considered the opposite of humid when speaking of climates.
The state of the sky when no clouds or obscurations are observed or detected from the point of observation.